Steps to File a Reemployment Assistance Claim

  1. File Online - File your reemployment assistance claim online through Florida's Internet Claims Filing System (FLUID). This process should take approximately 30 to 60 minutes. Your application must be completed within 72 hours and by midnight Saturday, Eastern Time, or your information will be lost and you must restart the FLUID application. View Florida's Internet Claims Filing System Tutorial for more information. 
  2. Note: You may not be able to complete a Florida Internet Claim application online, via the Florida Internet Claims Filing System utilizing certain portable electronic devices. This includes but is not limited to personal digital assistants (PDA’s), smart phones, cellular telephones, personal communications services (PCS) devices, multifunctional wireless devices, messaging devices, etc.
  3. Receive Confirmation - After you file your claim, you will receive a confirmation that your claim has been received and instructions for the Initial Skills Review. If your claim is approved, your benefits will begin on the day your application is completed. It typically takes three to four weeks to receive your first payment. View Finding Specific Claim Information Tutorial.
  4. Complete Initial Skills Review - You must complete an initial online skills review in the following subjects: Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information and Locating Information. If you are unable to complete such a review due to illiteracy or because you speak a language other than English, Spanish, or Creole you will be referred to your local One-Stop Career Center for assistance. The results of the review will be used by your local One-Stop Career Center to assist in your job search efforts. View Initial Skills Review Registration Tutorial for more information.
  5. Claim Your Weeks and Submit Your Work Search Information Online - After you file your initial claim (not after you receive your first payment), you will need to "Claim Your Weeks." You should continue to claim your weeks every two weeks until you are employed or your claim ends. The system is available Monday through Saturday from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time and Sunday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Eastern Time. You can also set up or change your payment method, set or change your PIN and obtain specific current information about your claim. Also, you will need to certify every two weeks that you are looking for a new job. You must submit at least five work search contacts (potential employers) or meet with a representative at your local One-Stop Career Center for reemployment services for each week you are out of work. Job search help is available at your local One-Stop Career Center and online through Employ Florida Marketplace. View Work Search Instruction Tutorial or Work Search Instructions – Handout for more information.

Helpful Tips

Learn more from http://www.floridajobs.org/

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